Expert advice
in the field of intervention
for emergencies

Equipment and systems
intended for interventions
in emergency situations

Specialized technical assistance
for equipment and means
for emergency situations

Specialist technical assistance services and products for emergency interventions


KASALV SRL offers specialized technical assistance services for the selection of different equipment and means for interventions in emergency situations (and not only), depending on the concrete applications of the customers and the regulatory category of each product, according to the essential requirements for introducing provided in the European Directives transposed into national law.

Also, KASALV SRL offers specialized technical assistance services regarding the technical aspects (including the documentation necessary for the implementation of the European acquis)for the elaboration of technical offers for the implementation of different public procurement procedures.


KASALV SRL is headed by colonel (r) Salle Cristian, society administrator, who for 22 years worked in various positions within the technical structure of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations,including the head of the Technical Service of Inspectorate and Chief of the Logistics Service of the “Dealul Spirii” Bucharest-Ilfov Emergency Situations Inspectorate, contributing to the purchase and implementation of products for emergency interventions.

The administrator of KASALV SRL, Colonel (r) ing. Salle Cristian, General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of several categories of products intended to intervene in situations of emergency, including:

  • Trucks

    Firefighting fire extinguishers of different extinguishing capacities.

  • Rescue vehicles

    Rescue vehicles from different heights (autoscations and autoplatforms).

  • Devices for breathing protection

    Devices for breathing protection in emergency situations.

  • Pumps

    Motor pumps for fire extinguishing.

  • P.S.I.

    Accessories p.s.i. (discharge pipes, discharge and absorption hoses, p.s.i. connections, etc.).